Every UTV should come equipped with a True Dual Battery Kit, Period! The latest statistics show that 92% of UTV owners add one or more accessories to their vehicle that will require the electrical management and reserve capacity that can only be met by a properly isolated second battery. Dealers who want to provide honest and complete service to their customers that are investing thousands of dollars in these vehicles owe the customer to at least inform them the need for the second battery installation.

TrueAm has done the research and designed the product to meet the unique needs of the marketplace. Now that we offer the opportunity for the dealer or service shop to educate and provide the product to the consumer it is up to them to educate their customers and preserve their own reputation. Time and time again dealers have contacted us because one of their customers has come in insisting that the dealer installs a True Dual Battery Kit because they know what happens without it. We make it easy for the dealers with no minimum order size and quick 2 to 3 business day delivery. Here’s what one dealer had to say when he contacted us. I have a customer that wants one of your kits installed in his Ranger. We explained that nearly every UTV sold has the need for one of our isolators.

We suggested he purchase a 4 pack of kits to get started but he insisted on just the one unit for the existing customer so we complied. Six days later we received a call from him asking for 4 of the True Dual Battery Kits as he already had 2 more customers that wanted them after hearing they are available. This scenario repeats itself time and time again. As a dealer if you do not offer your customer this product you will likely lose at least a portion of his/her business to either the internet or your competition across town who does handle The True Dual Battery Kits.

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